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Adsense Calculator helps you calculate Adsense income, including daily, monthly and yearly income. Please enter the following fields your website Page Impressions, Click Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Click (CPC), and then click on the "Check Now" button to show results.

How It Works?

Adsense is a Google advertising alliance, help your site get the most revenue. The more the number of people visit your site, the more revenue your site receives. There are three factors that affect your Adsense revenue that are Page Impressions, Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Click (CPC). So, if you know how much their values, then Adsense revenue to the site can use this tool to calculate out. You will know the daily, monthly and yearly income. What is Through Rate (CTR)? Through Rate (CTR) is a ratio that the total number of ads was clicked and the total number of ad is displayed. CTR = Clicks / Page Impressions What is the Cost Per Click (CPC)? Cost Per Click (CPC) is a cost that the ad is clicked to get. CPC = Total Revenue / Total Clicks

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