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Location et Achat immobilier en Suisse Romande | - ➤ Rechercher les annonces immobilières sur ???? Appartements à louer en Suisse et les dernières nouveautés de l’immobilier a louer en Suisse. Découvrez un large éventail de l'immobilier à Genève, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Sion, avec nos annonces

Location et Achat immobilier en Suisse Romande et Achat immobilier en Suisse Romande) Screenshot
Global Rank
Daily Visitors
Bounce Rate
Load Time

Site Overview

The domain was registered n/a. The website is currently online. It is ranked #657,593 in the world and ranked #1,406 in Switzerland, most of the visitors who are visiting the website are from Switzerland. Here are more than 17,000 visitors and the pages are viewed up to 68,000 times for every day. Usually, it takes 0.228 seconds for the visitors to open the website. Based on current visitor traffic, you will know that the advertising revenue on the website will be able to reach $100 USD per day. The server of the website is being hosted in Geneva, Switzerland.

Domain Age: -
Global Rank: #657,593
Primary Traffic: CH Switzerland (Ranked #1,406 in Switzerland)
Site Status: Online
Rating: 2.5/5.0 Stars
SEO Score: 50%
Load Time: 0.228 Second (Faster than - of sites)
Web Safety: -
Child Safety: -
Daily Visitors: 17,000
Daily Pageviews: 68,000
Daily Bandwidth: 6.06GB (187.89GB/month)
Daily AD Revenue: $100 USD
Website Worth: $37,000 USD
Theme Colors: -
Server Location: CH Geneva, Switzerland (IP Address:
Tags: Vaud Je cherche une agence Je souhaite louer Commercial Je souhaite acheter Lire nos articles Trouver une agence Estimergratuitementvotre bien Mon compte Assurances

Site Traffic

Daily Visitors (Last 90 days)

The chart below shows how many visitors visited the website every day for the past 90 days. The last record was on May 3, 2024, and about 17,000 visitors visited this site.

Daily Visitors by Country / Region

Where are the visitors who visited the website Through the map below, you will know that most of the visitors to this site are from Switzerland, about 16,000 visitors per day. Top 1 countries / regions are displayed here.

# Country / Region Visitors Percentage Rank
1 CH Switzerland 16,000 95.3% #3,821
2 (Other) 800 4.7% -

Daily Visitors by Subdomain

Which subdomains visitors often go on Through the chart below, you will know that the subdomain n/a is very popular, about n/a visitors per day. Top 0 subdomains are displayed here.


Daily Visitors by Keyword

Which search keywords send traffic to the website Through the chart below, you will know that there are a lot of visitors to this site by searching the keyword "maison a vendre corserey canton de fribourg", about 1,200 visitors per day. Top 5 keywords are displayed here.

# Keyword Visitors Percentage
1 maison a vendre corserey canton de fribourg 1,200 11.72%
2 cogestim location appartement 400 3.92%
3 cogestim location 300 2.66%
4 immobilier 300 2.64%
5 maison a vendre corserey et canton de fribourg 200 2.3%
6 (Other) 8,200 76.76%

Linking In

Some sites linking to the website Top 0 links are displayed here.


Site Domain

Domain profile

Here is the domain information about . Through the table below, you will know that the domain name was registered on n/a and will expire on n/a , and was registered on the website n/a , etc.

Domain Name:
Domain Age: -
Time Left: -
Domain Owner: -
Owner's Email: -
Name server: -
Domain Status: -
Updated Date: -
Creation Date: -
Expiration Date: -
Sponsor: -
Sponsor URL: -
Whois Server: -

See Domain Whois

Domain Whois

Domain Whois is a query and response protocol that is widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of a domain name. The following information is the Whois of the domain Whois Lookup


DNS Record

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. The table below shows the DNS record for the domain name


Name Server

The table below shows the Name Server for the domain name


Site Server

Server Location

Where are website's servers located? The server is being hosted in Geneva, Switzerland.

# IP Address Country / Region City
1 CH Switzerland Geneva

Site Content

SEO Related

The SEO related content of the website

Name Content
Title: Location et Achat immobilier en Suisse Romande |
Description: ➤ Rechercher les annonces immobilières sur ???? Appartements à louer en Suisse et les dernières nouveautés de l’immobilier a louer en Suisse. Découvrez un large éventail de l'immobilier à Genève, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Sion, avec nos annonces
Keywords: -

Theme Colors

What are the main colors of the theme of the website Through the chart below, we know that the main color of the site is n/a.


W3C Html Validation

When we checked the HTML of the homepage of the website, we found that it had 44 errors and 0 warning.

# Type Total
1 Error 44
2 Warning 0

Site Referrals

Other sites hosted on the same server

Which websites are stored on the same server as the website So far, we have found n/a websites on this server.


Other Sites Owned

Which websites are owned by the same person who owns that website? The websites below are owned by the same owner or not.


Similar Ranks

These websites which ranked between n/a and n/a on the web just before or after the website


Site Competitors

Which websites compete with the website on the web? Here are n/a websites are similar to it.


Mobile Apps

Apple Apps

Here are n/a Apple apps related to the website


Android Apps

Here are n/a Android apps related to the website
